Help Us Make
A Difference

We rely on the generous support of our donors and volunteers to make a difference in the lives of our beneficiaries. Here are a few ways you can help us in our mission:



Your donation allows us to provide financial assistance, emotional and spiritual support, education and training, and advocacy work, all with the goal of empowering people to live lives of dignity and hope.

Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference. You can make a one-time or recurring donation on our website.


We rely on volunteers to help us deliver our programs and services. Whether you have skills in counseling, teaching, vocational skills, event planning, or simply a heart to serve, there are many ways to get involved.

Contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities and how you can make a difference. Contact us to learn more about volunteer opportunities and how you can make a difference.

Spread The Word

Help us raise awareness about the challenges faced by people and the work we are doing to empower them.

Share our website and social media pages with your friends and family, and invite them to join us in our mission. By spreading the word, you can help us reach even more people in need.

Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of people around the world. Thank you for considering how you can support our work and help us create a world where people are empowered and supported.

Help Us Make A Difference?

Kindly use the account details below:
- Zenith Bank
- 1229005236
- Ajihinrere Welfare Initiative

Thank you ❤️